It's summer! Which means it's crazy busy!
One week of day camp down, it was a huge success! We are blessed with amazing volunteer groups!!! The picture is one of our upcoming middle school students praying for our day!
The kids and teens are away at overnight camp all this week! Spending the week hanging out with our middle school students....LOVE THEM! (for now, we'll see how I feel next week, it's a very hot and cold relationship...I'm constantly wondering how anyone liked us as at that age, below you can see me attempting to take a picture with some kids and the middle schoolers decided to attack me mid picture.)
When the kids get back we have

Summer is the time when I get to spend tons of time driving around with my kids, blaring crazy loud music, watching movies, laughing at the most ridiculous things. It is slowly becoming my favorite time of year....fall better step up it's game if it wants to remain on top. (Who are we really kidding, nothing can top football season...I'm already counting down the days.)
Take time to enjoy the simple things today!
Much love,
AH!! It's fun to see some of my pics on your blog! Cija