When I type taste of home it makes me think of amazing food, i.e. Ricardo's, Freddie's Steak House, Los Cabos, and of course BUENO! Oh how I miss these places!! But the taste of home I'm referring to now is people!
Although during a frustrating day last week, a good friend trying to cheer me up said let's go wherever you want to go to eat, I said Bueno, but it was 6 hours away. Being the amazing friend she is, she was up for it. We however didn't go.... mainly because they would have been closed by the time we got there :)
Back to people and relationships...
This past week we had a youth group come and do missions for us, during the days they ran a VBS for our kids, during the evenings they did different outreaches and served at other ministries in the community. It is their third year with us, and I LOVE them! Every year we get a mix of return students and new students, and every year I feel like I grow closer and closer to these amazing students! They bring such a taste of Oklahoma with them, even though they are a local group. It started last year when the boys tortured me all week with water guns through out the days and ended the week by throwing me in the pool. This year, it started from day 1 and escalated through the week. It reminded me of all my "fights" with the guys I grew up with, the guys a few years younger than me, and the teens I used to work with at Liberty.
My favorite memory from the week....when they gave all the kids water balloons and "dared them to be good" while telling them to attack me. I started running, because let's face it, when you give kids water balloons and tell them it's their choice whether or not they attack their leader, they're going to attack. As I turned from running, I realized my head start wasn't enough as I saw at least 40 kids running for me. I gave in and embraced the water balloon explosion that was heading my way, laughing the entire time.
How is it possible that I get paid to hang out with kids and teens all day?!?! Thank you God for allowing me to work in this ministry!!
Much love!