Saturday, March 13, 2010

Whirlwind Adventure

So I've been in desperate need to update this, but haven't known where to start. Let's just say I'm not very good at resolutions.

Life has been so many things, amazing, wonderful, hard, stressful! But life is good, for the most part.

We're still settling in to the apartment! I love it here and I love my roommates! I think I've re-arranged my room 50 times and I'm still working on it.

Work is going well. I run our Wednesday night kids programming now and it's amazing. I love my volunteers and kids. Wednesdays are pretty much my favorite days. I've also started mentoring two of the girls. I'm loving it here and I don't know how I'm supposed to leave in a few months!

Now onto the whirlwind part -

Part of the wonderful perks of having two roommates means we share everything, including sickness. Jewell got sick over a week ago, gave it to Luke, who then gave it to me. In being sick with two other people, I have learned that I don't do sick like other people. I think it's because I've always watched my mom, a woman who NEVER lets getting sick stop her. Well my sick finally stopped me yesterday. I woke up with a horrible stomach ache, decided not to eat, and then decided to pass out due to dehydration. After a forever long trip in the ER full of tests, IVs, scans, stitches, questions, and so much more they finally let me go. I'm bruised all over, have 5 stitches below my lip, 3 stitches inside of my lip, 2 caps on my front 2 teeth, and I'm incredibly sore. I'm not allowed to drive for a few days, have to take a few days off work, and I'm supposed to make sure I keep my heart rate under control. It took forever to get it down while at the hospital, they were about to admit, praise the Lord they didn't! Needless to say I look really cute right now and I'm having a really hard time relying on other people.

But that catches me up on the happenings of life. I'll try and do better on updating this!

Much love!!!

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