Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Hot Dog, Hot Dog...

Yesterday was my first day of work and it was interesting. I went for a walk to the park down the street w/ my boss, Vicki. We sat by the creek and went over scriptures, prayed, and then started in on my training and my basic tasks, I'm so excited for everything that I'll be doing. After being gone for the morning we came back just in time for lunch. Lunch is provided for us on the days that we put on the food bank, we had a hamburger casserole, it was pretty good. Lucy, one of the women on staff, did an incredible devo, I really enjoyed it. Then I got to experience my first food bank, we had several food items placed on tables in a half circle, after people registered they stood in line and waited on one of us to get them and fill their bag w/ the groceries they needed/wanted. It was crazy busy and the next thing I knew we were cleaning up and it was late afternoon. After the clean-up Jewell (my roommate and other ROP intern), Mattie & Luke (our summer in the city interns), me and Vicki (our boss) sat around and just talked about random things, it was very entertaining. Mattie & Luke left and Jewell and I did our own things, I did a few random projects for Vicki that took 5 minutes here and there, but nothing major. I found out that I will be going to an "adventure camp" with the older girls in a week, and I'll be driving the van, that'll be interesting. Jewell and I chilled for the rest of the night and did our own things around the center. Today we had an intern meeting which was hysterical, I absolutely love the dynamic of our group. We had a "webinar" on social networking and then tried out a mexican restaurant on the block for lunch, it was okay, I'm definitely missing my Oklahoma mexican food. After lunch we didn't do too much expect for hang out and talk, Mattie and Luke took off and me and Jewell had some down time before a Clubhouse cook-out. Tonight was my first night getting to meet some of the kids from Clubhouse, most of them are away at camp right now. The kids are so cute!!! We picked up Sebastian, he's the cutest little 6 year old I've seen, right now he is missing his two front teeth which makes him cuter, he has the funniest stories and he is such a flirt. We also picked up two girls, Mary Ellen and Angelica (this is pronounced crazy), they were both crazy after they got passed their shy stage. When we got to the park there were several other kids that were so ready to play on the playground. Jewell and I took them over and played all sorts of games with them, they were so much fun and full of energy. Two of the boys in particular were hilarious, Alex and Irving, I had so much fun hanging out with them, they kept me laughing all night. Irving was trying to figure out how to remember my name and he decided he'd use the word Diva to help him, then I became Miss D which all the kids quickly picked up on. We played soccer and football, and attempted to skip rocks, then had what everyone up here was calling bar-b-que, aka hamburgers and hot dogs, that's going to take me a while to get used to. We packed up around 8:30, took the kids home, and now I'm back at the facility watching episodes of Friends and How I Met Your Mother online, I am so thankful we have wireless here! Tomorrow is going to be a busy day w/ Food Bank of the Rockies and Coffeehouse!! More to come later.

Much love!

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